Thursday, May 8, 2008

another day in paradise

hmmm i should be typing out the accounting assignment which is due next week yeeeeet, im on myspace and multiply and listening to music and myspacing it LOL. Im naughty XD MY BAAAD :P.
Wednesdays is one of my favourite days of the week :) Uniiiiiii day!! HAHA the only day i have. I get to see the best people ever!! Sarah Niks Loz Luke and last but certainly not least Mattypooooo. I was a bit of a distraction to him in the last accounting seminar :P
We were having a POO______ fight hahaha (personal crazi joke!)
i lost :( haha. It was soooooo funny! Matt is so cool :) So glad i met him^^
Thennnnnn last night was so random as well! Apart from the usual dancing in front of the mirror with my mp3 player before bed and writing random words in my notebook (weird? maybe, but not for me LOL), I was msging Tim and Luke. Talk about the most random crap you will ever read! Mustve been having a realli crazi random nyt last nyt!! Luke ended up calling me and oooo i think he had a little bit tooooo much to drink (being sean's birthday). He told me about 5 times that he was bored and that he was sitting on the floor in the kitchen. It was so funni, i had to control myself from laughing so hard HAHAHAHA XD Sorry luuuuke, u were a funny drunk :P.
Weeeeell, i have work today at 5 (woot woot *cough) Dunwanago :(
I think thats all for today, i should do some of my assignment homey dawgg woooooo!

1 comment:

mattypoo said...


I'm still doin mine :( LOL!

get rid of the word verification thing... its making me not wanna comment :(

i dont think anyone has the heart to spam one ur blog :)