Monday, May 12, 2008

third blog!!!

yo bloggy thingo!!! HAHA

Missed me bloggy??? LOL

Well, nothing out of the ordinary has happened in the past few days...except for last night LOL

I had such an awesome time chatting to mattypoo on msn last nyt!!! It was frikin hilarious!! as in FUNNYYYYYY ASSSSSSSSS! HAHA We were on webcam to each other and we were print screening funny poses, twin poses that we'd make in front of the cam HAHAHA they are sooo craziiii, as in retardedly craziiiii...BTW, matthew lim is crazier than me :P :P ^^ He says im crazy, thats only coz he's crazy haha. NO fair! i cant be the only one crazy matt!
His friends must think im a TOTAL NUT CASE!

Here are some samples from last night:

This is our surprised face

Our peace sign face

Our screwed up crazi face

Our scared face :S

Theres more funny ones! Yeahhh hahaha Funny fun times!

Well, i went to uni today to work on my accounting assignment in the awesome curtin library and guess who i saw on level 3! MATTTTT! LOL

Fancy bumping into him at uni XD hahaha it was grand.

And then, i left uni at around 12pm to go and pick luke-o-rama at midland coz his car batt was flat and he had no lift home. Being the friend i am, i gave him a lift home. I got lunch and awesome carrot cake in the process annndddd i got to watch scrubs and family guy! perfect! LOL But noooowww, i should be doing my accounting assignment GAH!! its so boring... :( ahh well, just need to type it up and its aaaaall done!

OOOooooo! Matt also told me like half an hour ago that he ate 1.5 chicken and chips!! What a little fatty! JUST KIDDING MATTYPOO! Now i feel like eating chicken! Hmmppppp! LOL

He also told me that he bought womens water in an awesooommmeee bottle which i want! LOL The water is apparently making his throat dry..odd?? just a bit ahahaha
Well i must be off and finsih my assignment!

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