Monday, May 5, 2008

first blog :)

Well, ive been inspired to begin writing a blog by two of the most awesome guys ever, Ricky and Mattypoo :P. I read Matt's blog first and really enjoyed reading events that had taken place and his thoughts, some which were random but absolutley funny to read! :P Then last nyt i read one of Ricky's blog's which was actually very touching and inspiring (until he had to end it by making a joke about a ghost! I was seriously LOLing!) And so, here i am writing my first blog :) :)

There are so many thoughts and events that have taken place in my life which i now regret not writing down. I start a diary for like 5 months and then completely forget about it. I wish i did keep a diary or a blog so i could go back and read over things and laugh at what i wrote and what happened. Now, everything that has happened over the years is a mere memory and it is very faint, almost blurred :(

But hey! haha

Uni is pretty awesome at the moment!!(even if i only do accounting LOL)

I have the best friends ever! They keep me sane and are the reason i am happy! They can brighten up even the darkest days for me!!


my bestfriend foh life Sarah: she is always there for me in happy times and whenever im sad. We are boiz foh life yo, shes my black brutha from another mother, UH-HAH! Love this girl forever and ever! We laugh at the stupidest things!! Writing poo on each others pages at uni or the 'would you rathers' or even the penis' she draws on my work that i turn into a bunny rabbit (SAD i noe!) hahaha
my childhood far away bestfriend, Ricky: ive known him since i was 6. We have shared many memories that will never be forgotten, and there's more and more memories that will be created over the years to come. Even though i dont see him as often as id like to, i noe we'll be friends always.

the girls; nikki, loz and hols: i love these girls sooo much! outings and weekends would be pointless without them. They put the fun and excitement into my life! I know they'll be there to support me when times get hard.

the boys, in rancho: i miss them so much! i wish i got to see them all the time! Love them so much! They are the reason rancho is so fun! they make our stay in the philippines extremely happy! Best bunch of guys you'll ever meet.

theres Luke; i can be my completely crazi self around this guy and he wont judge. We laugh at our stupiness and i roll my eyes at his sillyness and then laugh. At this stage i dont understand his sarcasm, or anyone elses sarcasm for that matter LOL. Hes a great friend.

And there's my uni friend Matt; he is my ex-management buddy LOL. Im reali glad we were management buddies even for a little while, coz now i have a really nice friend. Even though we dont see each other much at uni, we always have so much to talk about! He is the one who never fails to brighten up my day :)

And most importantly, there's my family: i love them dearly and i certainly dont know what i would do without them. My sister and my cousin are so awesome! Our crazy youtube movies can sometimes be disasterous but they always seem to make us laugh!!! as in ROFLing!!!!!

I love my philippine family so much, life would be not worth living if they weren apart of it :)

Im tired, that is all for now! Stay tuned! haha :P

1 comment:

mattypoo said...


Hahaha good blogging skills Audelle :) it's good :)

Keep it up :D

we shall be bumping into each other in uni now a days :P LOL!